Jul 13, 2017
BIND 4.0, the startups’ public-private accelerator program, based in the Basque Country and specialised in Industry 4.0, is in its second edition. BIND 4.0 is also the world’s first accelerator that guarantees startups the access to top-level industrial customers.


This year Elay has joined this edition with the aim of accessing talent, achieving the incorporation of technologies and giving innovative solutions to problems that we want to overcome (more information).

This international program is open to startups from any part of the world, startups with products and/or services based on new technologies with potential application to the industrial field.

Together with Elay, twelve are the companies that have joined BIND 4.0 this year, which in its first edition already had fifteen other companies, companies such as Mercedes-Benz, ABB, CIE Automotive, Danobat, Gestamp,…